Art On Screen



For the last thirty years I have generated countless terabytes of digital data. Texts, drawings, 2D and 3D graphics, paintings, photos, videos, music files… you name it. Millions of files. There have been hundreds of versions of each of the projects I have been involved with and, now, when I look back, I find it difficult to believe that none of those digital files was registered as “the original file”. And yet, artists and craftsmen have been signing their work since the dawn of humanity. Obviously, not all of them were masterpiece makers but, by assigning their signature to a particular piece of art they would be acknowledging their existence for the generations to come. So, here we are, and the creators of today are finally given the opportunity to certify the origin of their work in a meaningful way. NFT (Non Fungible Token) platform based on Blockchain technology authenticates in an unalterable way provenance of digital files and connects them to the digital identities of their creators. Forever.

NFT marketplaces provide the artists with tools to showcase, mint, sell or buy, auction and collect unique assets with verifiable proof of authenticity and ownership.

Dragan Nikodijevic

What starts as an unconscious intent to imitate reality soon becomes an obsession to understand it and transform it into something more personal and more beautiful than it is, if possible. No sunrise is wonderful by itself. Nature lacks the sense of beauty – it’s us and only us who can attribute a certain aesthetic judgment to something based upon everything that we have seen, heard, read, felt or experienced. The longer and more intensive the path of gaining relevant knowledge, the clearer the judgment. Along that path one may find that all the stories have already been told. What is left is to experiment with form and to try to shape new ways to tell those old stories.

What is old is new, only different.

Vancouver, BC, Canada, November 2021

12 Virtual Sculptures
Inspired By Blockchain

12 seconds each

What is the right representation of a digital asset that is defined by pixels?
There are no right answers to that question and possibilities are constrained only by the limitations of graphic cards. 4K, 8K, 16K... For some, the inspiration are zeroes and ones and for others, digital art is a mere reflection of reality as we know it. Personally, I’m somewhere in between and I find the origin of everything I create in my personal existence. My tools are, though, digital and most of my work is meant to reside on screen. The “12 Virtual Sculptures Inspired by Blockchain” collection is not different in that sense. I attach a title to each of the pieces and by doing so I invoke certain meaning (which is very subjective for every individual) vs. calling them “Composition 1” or “Composition 12”. For me, they are the links between two worlds and I count on your personal experience to connect the dots.



A universal message of optimism? Going forward for no matter what? Keep exploring again and again without the evident lack of enthusiasm? Pursuing new ideas, projects, relationships? Bending the edges of a possible? Roads less traveled, anyone?



A “being in a moment” philosophy deeply rooted in our holistic perception of reality. What part of our “operative system” we absorb concisely and how much of that is driven by our auto pilot? Are our thoughts of the past and the future driving us away from the present?


Forget About It

It comes as a shield from apparently foreseeable negative outcome. It is pronounced” forgetaboutit” and nobody likes to hear it. After saying it, no one feels good. It is usually followed either by silence or… noise.


Punto y Aparte

Something between “Continuando” and “Tomorrow” there is a time for a pause. “Un Intermezzo”. Take some time off. Get up and have a cup of coffee. Go for a walk. Breath. Talk to people. Ask questions. Listen. Laugh more. Love more. Live more.



"I remember" in Romagna.
Fellinni has painted an eternal picture of growing up for all of us. We remember our childhood better than what happened yesterday. For some reason, the older we get, the events that are further in our memory look much closer.



There is no story of Minotaur without Ariadna and her thread. Web term “bread crumbs” is known in Spanish as “El Hilo de Ariadna” (Ariadna’s thread). What would Minotaur think about it, I wonder sometimes? He must had been very lonely in that Labyrinth, after all?


Let’s Do It Again

Oh, you liked it.
It is the thrill of a rollercoaster that appeals to your senses. The adrenaline that rushes through your veins pushing you forward and upward and the only thing that you know for sure is that you wanted to do it again. And again.



The wise one or a fool?
What is a difference, really? It is a black and white, yin and yang, good and bad… “There must be some kind of way outta here”, said the joker to the thief… “The rest is silence”, added Hamlet.


Full Stack Developer

Has anyone, ever, dedicated any art piece to these guys? If it has not, there it comes at least: Glory to you, tireless pixel pushers and code weavers! May your sleepless nights be rewarded in crypto currency of your choice! Stay hungry, my friends!


Smart Contract

They all signed it.
Room around them filled in with sudden relief. The pen with a black ink was left on a table. The only visible sign of the useless war that lasted longer than anyone could have predicted. Perfect than, that’s done.


So What

Miles Davis?
Now, when you say it, yes, sure, it could be. But, initially, I was thinking of something else. Something like, do your own thing and beleive in impossible, as there are so many hurdles in your track anyway...
Run Victor, run!



“I’ll think about it, tomorrow.”
No, you are not, Scarlett. You will say the exact same sentence tomorrow as you said it yesterday. The only way to change is to stop repeating it and start doing something different. It’s hard, though. I know.

Legal Stuff about NFTs

All NFTs will be published from this wallet:

Any other wallet will mean that it's not an original product.

The purchase of NFT entitles the buyer to use this content digitally or in print. It also gives the right to resell the NFT by transferring ownership and rights to a new owner. Art on screen has a 10% commission on all future resale.

Art On Screen’s sale Terms

The Author (“Art On Screen” or “AOS”) has decided to assign all copyrights associated to his works, namely:

* Right to copy – i.e. right to copy and use publicly and for commercial purposes the purchased work;

* Right to distribute – i.e. make copies of the work available to the public, through a medium;

* Right to transform – i.e. to transform the work into a different work (on a different medium like for instance from physical to digital);

* Right to communicate to the public – i.e. it’s the act of making available to the public for the first time a work without prior distribution.

Please only bear in mind that AOS reserves the right to promote his work, by showing it commercially on this page, regardless of the future owner of the work.

Lastly, since the work is available on OpenSea, Art On Screen hereby declines all responsibility on the purchase process. All terms apply, please see here OpenSea’s terms.

Beware of the scammers and/or imitators! All the works hereby displayed are original and will be minted ONLY by this address: 0x99c09d7b7a06c30b7af9710eef4991c82bac14cf